Panic(CPU 3): NMIPI for spinlock acquisition timeout, spinlock: 0xffffff802deca4d8, spinlock owner: 0xffffff80409f4cf0, current_thread: 0xffffff80409f4cf0, spinlock_owner_cpu: 0x3 The following crash report is indicating a kernel panic generated by HAXM. I’m guessing there’s a bug with Mavericks and HAXM similar to what motivated the release for 1.0.6 of HAXM for OS X v10.8 (Mountain Lion)? The only thing that works is to uninstall Intel HAXM / not use hardware acceleration.
I just updated to OS X v10.9 (Mavericks), and now whenever I start up any of my emulators, as soon as the emulator starts up, my entire computer freezes with a spinning progress indicator in the center of the screen (not a beachball, the progress indicator is similar to what you see when shutting down, but the screen hasn’t faded to grey).